Breastfeeding Friendly Award for Employers

What is the Breastfeeding Friendly Award for Employers?

Part of a national ‘breastfeeding welcome’ scheme developed to protect, promote and support breastfeeding, the Breastfeeding Friendly Award supports parents to carry on breastfeeding for as long as they want.

A breastfeeding mum has the legal right to breastfeed their child anywhere under the Equality Act 2010, for as long as they wish to do so. However, returning to work is one of the key barriers to breastfeeding and breastfeeding rates drop quickly as parents begin to return to work due to them feeling unsupported or unsure of how to navigate breastfeeding and returning to work.

The Breastfeeding Friendly Award for Employers signposts workplaces in the city which offer a good level of facilities and support for breastfeeding parents. Signing up to the Breastfeeding Friendly Award for Employers is a powerful way of promoting your supportive work environment for parents. Adopting supportive breastfeeding policies in your workplace underpins your commitment to staff wellbeing, improving morale and performance. It could help retain experienced staff and contribute to a more stable workforce as breastfed children are less likely to be ill resulting in a reduced need for parental leave

Why sign up?

While the law in the UK mandates certain provisions for breastfeeding parents, that’s not the only reason to ensure your workplace is breastfeeding friendly.

Studies have shown that employers who provide a breastfeeding friendly workplace benefit by:

  • Reduced staff absence- breastfed babies are less likely to become ill so their parent/s are less likely to need time off
  • Reduced staff turnover and increased loyalty- people are more likely to stay with a company which accommodates their needs as new parents
  • More stable workforce
  • Higher job satisfaction
  • Increased morale- supporting breastfeeding can reduce stress for new parents, allowing them to focus on their work, thus improving overall productivity.

Other benefits of signing up to the Breastfeeding Friendly Award include:

  • Can reinforce your reputation as a family-friendly workplace
  • Decrease recruitment costs: increased retention rates mean you save on the cost of recruiting and training new employees.
  • Attract top talent: A breastfeeding-friendly workplace is an attractive feature for job candidates.
  • Demonstrates your commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.
  • Free publicity: Workplaces which sign up to the Breastfeeding Friendly Award will be publicised on the Breastfeeding in Sheffield website and promoted on social media platforms.
  • It’s free to sign up to!

What is involved in signing up to the Breastfeeding Friendly Award?


  • Happy to support breastfeeding in Sheffield by providing a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for breastfeeding parents.
  • Implement a breastfeeding policy (example can be provided by Breastfeeding in Sheffield).
  • Ensure existing staff and new employees are aware of policy and supportive of breastfeeding parents.
  • Staff are protected from harassment
  • Flexible breastfeeding breaks (agreed by both employer and employee)
  • Clean, private space (can be a multipurpose room-not a toilet) with a comfortable chair
  • Space for workers to store expressed milk during their shift
  • Review your Breastfeeding Friendly Award status every three years


  • Clean refrigerator for storing expressed breast milk
  • Identify a Breastfeeding Champion
  • Flexible working hours around the employee’s breastfeeding needs
  • Display the Breastfeeding Friendly Award signage

Further information

Why is breastfeeding so important?

Breastmilk meets all of a baby’s nutritional needs, promotes healthy brain development

 and helps strengthen the development of the baby’s immature immune system, resulting in better health, even years after breastfeeding has ended.

Breastfeeding reduces a baby’s chances of developing:

  • Type 1 diabetes​
  • Obesity​
  • Diarrhea and stomach bugs​
  • Ear infections and chest infections​​
  • Asthma and eczema ​

Breastfeeding can also build a strong emotional bond. This encourages emotional wellbeing, mental health, social development, and readiness for school.

Adopting supportive breastfeeding policies in your workplace underpins your commitment to staff wellbeing, improving morale and performance. It could help retain experienced staff and contribute to a more stable workforce as breastfed children are less likely to be ill resulting in a reduced need for parental leave.

For employer guidance go to: Protecting pregnant workers and new mothers – HSE

There is local support available for families living in Sheffield. You can signpost families to these contact details should you need to do so.

Breastfeeding in Sheffield


Visit our Facebook page: @breastfeedinginsheffield

Instagram: @breastfeedinginsheffield

Sheffield Family Hubs Infant Feeding Team

Available Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm. (Except bank holidays)

Call: 0114 273 5665


Visit our Facebook page: @SheffieldFamilyHubs

National Breastfeeding Helpline

Available 24 hours, 365 days a year.

Call: 0300 100 0212

Signing up to be a Breastfeeding Friendly Employer

If you wish to sign up to be a Breastfeeding Friendly Employer, please complete this application form. Alternatively, you can contact us on to arrange a visit where we will complete the form with you.