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How to get help
An Infant Feeding Peer Support Worker is a mum who has breastfed her own baby and has then attended breastfeeding training in order to help other mums. They work alongside midwives and health visitors both in the hospital and community. They provide you with information on the benefits and management of breastfeeding, so you can make a truly informed choice in how you feed your baby.
Their primary aim is to increase breastfeeding rates but we recognise that you may need support however you choose to feed your child.
After your baby is born you can access breastfeeding support for as long as you feel you need it. A peer support worker can help you in the early days with positioning and attaching your baby successfully to the breast, or any breastfeeding problems you may encounter along the way. They run a breastfeeding café or drop-in in your local area. Contact your Infant Feeding Peer Support Worker at your local Family Hub for more details.
Don’t be scared to ask for help
It can take a while before you feel confident. You can ask your midwife, health visitor or peer support worker to help you with breastfeeding, or call the National Breastfeeding Helpline: 0300 100 0212.
You can also ask Breastfeeding in Sheffield for advice by contacting the Breastfeeding in Sheffield Facebook page (We will always try to answer your private messages, with advice from health professionals) or email InfantFeedingSupport@Sheffield.gov.uk
Breastfeeding Support Groups in Sheffield
Click here to find a list of the Breastfeeding Support groups delivered by Family Hubs hereThere will always be a trained Infant Feeding Peer Support Worker at these groups to offer help and advice on your breastfeeding journey. There will be other mums there too who can share their experiences with you and offer support. You are welcome to try as many of the groups as you like and in any area of Sheffield.
Click here to find a Family Hub where you can access support on feeding your baby.
What help to expect in Hospital
If your baby is born in Sheffield, skin to skin contact will be offered and encouraged immediately after birth, unless there is a clinical illness in the mother or baby to prevent it.
Include in your birth plan or mention to your midwife that you would like to have skin-to-skin contact immediately after the birth. It does not matter what type of delivery you have, skin-to-skin can still be done.